Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 2 - is it still Saturday?

Will the excitement never end?
Before the heat of the day set in a little bit of landscaping work was attempted.
We demolished a large wooden deck a few months back. We never used it and it needed maintenance.

Seemed more logical (and fun) to knock it down and burn it.
So we did.
We like fires.  A glass of wine and a roaring fire is great.
But that was then - and this is now.  Didn't get much landscaping done before the heat was too much to handle.  So back to the laundry room. The texturing has 2 different patterns. Ceiling is "orange peel" and wall is "crows feet".  Orange peel can be done from a spray can - crows feet needs another layer of mud and something to pull the pattern.    The can I had from the last patch (with plenty of stuff left in it) naturally refused to work.  Throw that way and go back to the usual store to get more.. We should buy shares in this company..  While we were out and about we gathered up the ingredients for tomorrow's July 4th party. More on that tomorrow.  
Texturing went uneventfully  (used a sponge inside a grocery store bag to pull the "crows feet")  and the baseboard was finished.  Tomorrow its paint and crown molding then party time!

Till then - Cheers!

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